WRITING (summaries) - This term we did not write many summaries but I think that my performance in writing was quite good. I have really enjoyed and succeeded in writing them.
WRITING ESP VOCABULARY TESTS - This term we have written less tests than last term. However I think that my performance in the Esp vocabulary tests was really good at this term. I had always read the topics carefully because it was interesting and necessary for my future studies. Moreover, writing ESP vocabulary tests helped me to remember some really important information.
WRITING CLASS DICTATIONS (comprehension questions before the listening practice) - As I mentioned in my last self-assessment I have some difficulties with dictations in the classroom. This task is not my favorite one. I would like to mention that I was not good at writing class dictations, because I could not concentrate and follow what is saying. I would like to improve these skills. Also I should concentrate more on spelling.
LISTENING COMPREHENSION IN CLASS - I am not keen on listening tasks at all. Mostly of the listening tasks were quite hard and difficult for me. I think that my performance in listening tasks was not good. The biggest problem is that I can not hear the relevant information. Despite this fact, I think that I had improved my listening skills a little bit during this term.
LISTENING TO PEER'S POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS - In my opinion, this activity is the most interesting, because I can hear opinions and attitudes of my colleagues. This term all topics were really interesting and useful. However, sometimes it was difficult to follow the text because of the speaker's pronouncing.
MAKING POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS - In my opinion it is quite hard to evaluate myself in this task. This term I made the presentation called -"Major psychological disorders". It was quite hard to talk about such difficult topic, because there were many medical terminologies. Also I had paid attention on pictures and my brief talking.
SPEAKING ON ESP THEMES IN CLASS - Speaking on ESP themes is quite easy for me. In this term I tried to share my opinion and thoughts. I think that I improved my skills at this area.
2008 m. lapkričio 28 d., penktadienis
2008 m. lapkričio 3 d., pirmadienis

Kleptomania is an obsessive compulsive disorder that has been unnoticed for many years. Kleptomania - psychology compulsive stealing, usually of objects which may have symbolic significance. Moreover it is one of five categories of Impulse Control Disorders. People who are suffering from this disorder experience an increasing sense of anxiety and tension just before committing theft. Kleptomania may appear during childhood or even adolescence. According to the doctors, kleptomania can be connected with depression or mood disorder. Also they claim that the cause of the impulse is linked to an imbalance in brain chemicals, specifically serotonin. Stressors such as major losses may also precipitate kleptomaniac behaviour. I would like to mention some symptoms of kleptomania: relief of anxiety after theft, inability to control the impulse to steal, theft of items that are not needed or wanted.
However, even rich and famous people are suffering from this disorder. It is quite hard to understand why these persons would do such a thing, especially with so much at risk in terms of the consequences of their reputation. Maybe they steal for attention or for the thrill of doing something what is forbidden? As I said before, kleptomania is an impulse control disorder characterized by a recurrent failure to resist stealing. Treating kleptomania is really difficult because it is a complex disorder. Treatment can include: psychotherapy, behaviour modification, family therapy and also antidepressants.
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