2007 m. rugsėjo 7 d., penktadienis

Why I have decided to study psychology?

I have always been asked why I have decided to study psychology. For this reason, I determine to analyse myself better.
Firstly, it is well known that psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process. It encompasses many areas of our lives. Nowadays people think just about work, money and cars, their lifestyle is fast and full of problems. An increasing number of people are suffering from many psychology diseases. I want to study psychology, because I adore talking with people, helping them, I like analyse and share my information. As I said, psychology encompasses many areas of life. For this reason, we can use this knowledge everywhere. For example: information about human psychology would be helpful in job interview, in debate or discussion. Moreover, it is said, that students who are studying psychology want to cope with their problems too. I agree with this statement, because we must know everything about ourselves (character, feelings, fears and etc) before we help someone.
To sum up, I have many reasons for studying psychology. I believe that my studies will be very interesting, full of activities and I will become a great psychologist.

3 komentarai:

Ignytte rašė...

This theme was very exciting for me because it is interesting to know why my new colleagues choose psychology.
I noticed one mistake "As I siad, psychology..". It just eye mistake, but I hope you will correct it.
Also, it is easy to read and understand everything what is said in this writing.
Well done :)

Unknown rašė...

I came across this site whilst I was searching for reasons as to why people study psychology. I've completed my undergrad and have put in an application for masters. A question that comes up in the masters interview is "Why have you chosen to study this course?". I don't think it's sufficient to say "I want to become a psychologist" or "I enjoy helping peopole". I'd be interested to hear your answer to that question -why would someone choose to study clinical psychology?


adambrauskaite rašė...

It is quite interesting that you are searching the information iint the internet why you want to study psychology?i think that every person chooses differently..For example at this moment i am studuying my 2 second years of bachelor..and i really do not know what i will do after 2 years...However, when i passed tne university i was thinking about clinical psychology, because it is the real touch to the psychology, when you realize how really it works..But now i am not sure what i want to do in my future;)