2007 m. lapkričio 28 d., trečiadienis

My role models

It is impossible to imagine our lives without family. They always teach and help to form our attitude to the world. My role models are my parents. My mother and father are very kind, smart, generous and nice people. Our relationship is very good, because we can talk almost about everything. I am very happy that it is not necessary to hide some information or events from them.

Both of my parents have many good qualities, but I will mention just few of them. My mother always helps me to concentrate on the main things and she always analyses my problems with me. I appreciate it so much, because every time she helps me with smile. My father is the biggest optimist I have ever known. Because of this point, I have started to think more positively.

To sum up, my parents are the most important part of my life. They help , form my attitude to many things. I know that they always will influence my life and I really can not imagine the world without them.

2007 m. lapkričio 26 d., pirmadienis


It is impossible to imagine our lives without problems. More and more doctors are suggesting meditation as a way to cope with problems. The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort.

Meditation is an emptying out process. To properly meditate, you need to stop thinking. However, this is not as easy as that may sound. Anyone can meditate by following a few simple procedures. First, select a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed for as long as it takes. It may be indoors or out of doors, the important thing is that you must be comfortable there. Your space should be clean. Begin with a symbolic purification of the body. Wash your face and hands, and drink a glass of ordinary water. Also adopt a comfortable posture and place both feet flat on the floor. After that, you should rest your hands on your thighs. Close your eyes and breath deeply and rhythmically, and repeating a word or sound - such as the word one - over and over. Meditation should be practiced twice a day for twenty minutes; the technique is effective in bringing about relaxation. Moreover, I would like to mention the following behavioral components of meditation:
3.altered state of awareness,
4.suspension of logical thought processes,
5.maintenance of self-observing attitude.

To sum up, meditation is a means of altering consciousness that is practiced in many different cultures, though it can take different forms and serve different purposes across cultures. Many years ago meditation was considered something just not meant for modern people, but now it has become very popular with all types of people.

2007 m. lapkričio 25 d., sekmadienis


Psychology encompasses many areas of people's lives. It is well known that psychology can cope with phobias. To begin with, a phobia is the fancy name for a fear. But it is not just any kind of fear. It is normal to be afraid of things or some situations. A phobia is different because it is an extremely strong fear. It is also a kind of fear that doesn't go away. There are many kinds of phobias (about 533) and 3 main groups which include:

  1. Specific phobias, which are the most common and focus on specific objects.

  2. Social phobias, which causes extreme anxiety in social or public situations.

  3. Agoraphobia - is a fear of being alone in public places from which there is no easy escape.

Also fears have haunted Hollywood for years. But today stars are not afraid to admit to being a little neurotic. For example: David Becham, Christina Ricci, and Roger Moore. Firstly, I would like to talk about David Becham. He is suffering from ataxophobia. For example, in his closet each shirt is filled according to its colour and everything has to match. For this reason, David is described as a person who fears disorder or untidiness. Secondly, I would like to talk about Cristina Ricci. She is suffering from botanophobia, defined as " a persistent , abnormal and unnecessary fear of plants ". The people suffering from botanophobia feel anxiety and stomach butterflies then they come in contact with any type of plants. Moreover, I want to mention and hoblophobia. Ironically Roger Moore also known as 007, is afraid of guns. He is suffering from this phobia and as soon as he picks up a gun he starts blinking.

Finally, I would like to talk about how people can cope with phobias. They should try:behaviour therapy, psychological therapies and medications (antidepressants) . Also it depends on everybody's attitude .